The fifty daughters of the god Nereus, the sea nymphs of the Mediterranean, separated from Naiad, who were the nymphs of fresh water, and Oceanine, Nymphs of the Ocean. The most famous of the Nereids was Thetis, mother of Achilles.
Here are their names: Cimotoe, Hope, Glauconome, Nausitoe, Alie, Erato, Sao, Amphitrite, Eunice, Teti, Eulimene, Agave, Eudore, Doto, Ferusa, Galatea, Actea, Pontomedusa, Ippotoe, Lisianassa, Cimo, Eione, Alimede, Plessaure, Eucrante, Proto, Calipso, Panope, Cranto, Neomeris, Ipponoe, Ianira, Polínome, Autonoe, Melite, Dione, Nesea, Dero, Evagore, Psamate, Eumolpe, Ione, Dinamene, Ceto e Limnoria.