Sunday, September 5, 2010

Is Red Wine Constipating

niece of the sorceress Circe. Jason helped to pass the tests that enabled him to win the Golden Fleece, and followed him to marry after Iolcus to Drepane. Under the pretext of making it force and youth, he persuaded the daughters of the usurper Pelias to pieces and boil in his father's body and therefore had to take refuge in Corinth with her husband. Here Jason left her for Creusa, Medea which gave a haunted look that caught fire when it was worn by the girl, to make his most ruthless revenge, also killed the two sons by Jason. Then fled to Athens on a chariot drawn by winged serpents, and became the wife of King Aegean. Was unmasked by Theseus and returned to Colchis, where reigned over the lands of his father.


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