... is the atmosphere of Christmas! Maybe because I'm preparing some gifts and then I began to feel that feeling of happiness that I feel at Christmas! I still can not show you what I'm doing, and then place a job for which they are particularly proud of: it is the Christmas Hairloom Samplee Victoria Sampler

SAL was the first that France will be and I had together. A triumph of special points, fun!
The most "anxious" was the foundation from which we started.

would have been unpleasant to do all the work and then marched to their own mistakes, so we felt it right from the start here. But everything went well!
We modified slightly the original scheme, in which the party had written some verses of a song. We have written a Merry Christmas in several languages \u200b\u200b

This was the gift of Christmas 2008 for my mythical sister Anna!
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