Tuberosa: Sensual, indifference,
illegal request, pleasure, sensual pleasure.
The scent of tuberose is voluptuously sensual, warm, seductive and hypnotic. An alcove perfume for a woman ready to use every means to seduce without any inhibition.
For this same reason, the Tuberose like women who need to overcome a block that prevents her to act out their natural sensuality. In fact, a narcotic aroma which brings down the mental constructs and taboos that prevent the surrender to the physical passion even when it is entirely lawful.
The scent of tuberose is typical of a personality for which social life is of prime importance, attractive and charming people, who love challenges and daring, who take care of their appearance with the utmost care. The fascination for power is the main force that drives the personality Tuberose, which has the power to fascinate its flavor becomes him like a glove to the hand.
His power over the emotions narcotic has been used in psicoaromaterapia in the treatment of emotional conflicts, dell'iperemotivitĂ , irritability, stress, and also to help people who have suffered psychological trauma during episodes of war. In fact, the scent can be addressed conflicting emotions with less involvement by allowing the right to do its work to integrate the traumatic experience in a cognitive schema.
The tuberous acts on the crown chakra that opens, allowing you to increase your own psychic and emotional depth. Its scent stimulates the right brain, intuitive and creative. The aroma extroverted, arrogant and sensual tuberose brings enthusiasm, spontaneity expansiveness in the lives of those who need it.
Tuberosa Tuberosa Erbolario Bottega Verde Tuberosa Profvmo