Our body provides us with hundreds of lights to control the operation of all the body. You just need to know where to look, but science is refining the view. So, look at what conditions are the nails of the foot provides good opportunities to know if you can develop lung cancer. Beyond the aesthetic, of course, researchers at the University of California, headed by Professor Wael Al-Delaimy, carried out a search - then published in the American Journal of Epidemiology - recognizing the lights in the nails to control levels nicotine in the blood, so that they can predict whether a tumor will grow. Lung cancer is detected by a test, but now he also adds this additional preliminary investigation that can really save lives.
The study was conducted by selecting a sample of 800 subjects, whether sick or not, for analysis and observations on the functioning of their bodies. In this way, the experts noted that nicotine is deposited in the nails of the feet, especially in the hallux. In practice, the nails of the lower extremities of our bodies grow more slowly, and then during their development have plenty of time to become a memory and "diary" of exposure to tobacco smoke. Now the researchers suggest creating tests that are able to draw from these characteristics the data to monitor the health of people lost in relation to nicotine and the subsequent risk of cancer polmoni.Un to step ahead of the tac spiral save 7 out of 10 smokers, because, by controlling the levels of nicotine through the nails you will notice things that otherwise would be hidden.
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