Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To Insert Jpg File Into Autocad

Thank you! Half a century

Thanks to all for your good wishes and for taking part in my candy.
And the winner is .......

Give me time to prepare something nice ...
Thanks again!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Am White But I Was Born Black

... and almost never to hear him! Tomorrow my birthday, 50, damn that effect to say that!! And then, I can offer you a slice of cake?

And all those who wish to leave me by tomorrow evening, will attend to my BLOGCOMPLEANNO CANDY!
The prize I have yet to decide, but it is certainly a little thought embroidered prepare in the coming days.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bycucles Like Motorcycles


Yeah! I wip ..... who has not started the work with enthusiasm and then leave them to mature, we say! I've got "only" two, because I hate starting things and then not finish them ... so much so .... but they just can not bring them forward, and not because I do not like at all! But because during these years ricamina, I changed my style. At the beginning embroidered paintings. I've made several and even many challenging ... we lost the night. Now, I'm into "French". I like to make all those little things that I show here on the blog. But do not regret anything because of my past (which frasona!) Are the two forgotten

this is the "Punishment In" Passion Embroidery. I'm ashamed to say, I started in 2002 and I miss him so much to finish it, but there the I do. It 'a wonder, I embroidered "marry" and taken by the enthusiasm I jumped on this too. Then in 2002, in fact, I gave a decisive impact on my life and I left them because I needed things "light" and not very challenging to develop my project ..... there I gave up and stayed there . But nice!

and this is "Santa's Magic" by Mirabilia. I do not like Lavender & Lace Mirabilia or too pompous to me, but this Santa Claus, however, made me fall in love! He too has been there for a while, I think I started three years ago ....
wait for me back the inspiration to finish them off, what should I do?!?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ap Biology Lab Manual 8

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ...

... here it is! Practically perfect in every respect !.... or so, at least mine!
Mary Poppins with her magic bag comes to helping children in need and goes with the change of the wind ..... it would take to nannies as well! And how if it would take!
I found this a delightful schemino blog of a Hungarian girl and I are doing a lot ricamine sal. The mine is now housed in the tray of the printer

This project always amuses me more! I also started to incorporate some charmettino ... fun!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sasusaku Stories Jealous


a girl of rare beauty. Kidnapped by Zephyrus lived in a palace of gold. He was a lover of Eros, from whom he had a daughter (Pleasure). The love lasted until Psyche, in contravention a sacred covenant, tried to see the face of Eros (invisible lover). Abandoned, it underwent a series of tough tests to Aphrodite,
(who envied her beauty). Made immortal by Zeus, moved by compassion, he joined again to Eros.

Griha Pravesh Invitation Format


Core or, in the Homeric poems is the terrible wife of Hades, the king dell'Tartaro looking and the scary face similar to that of Medusa, her queen of the dead, because people turn their curses take effect. But at a later time Persephone was also conceived under very different aspect, namely as a child (Core) of Demeter, goddess of the earth bringeth life, or of Zeus, Poseidon, or, as others, Styx. In this second personality of Persephone is linked to the famous myth, the goddess was a sweet girl who loved playing with the nymphs and pick flowers. One day, while the virgin's delight in his leisure, he was off the ground Hades kidnapped her in a chariot drawn by four horses and the land brought into the abyss. Demeter, to vent her pain, preventing the earth to bear fruit and so all men are likely to perish. But Zeus is able to appease the goddess Persephone, causing her mother to stay with for a few months of the year.

Picking Nose Scabs Bleed

Pole pole! Mystery revealed

What do you mean very slowly in Africa. It is so that the proceeds from my drawer printer. I added two "tiles" with the thimbles made from an old De fil en aiguille, a source of endless inspiration! I used the blue 336 I find it suits very well!

now I'm embroidering the next brick house .... is it? Here's a clue ... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious clear, no?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

свадьба Milani Denise

I finished my samplerino with bunnies ... I am very satisfied with the risultato.Generalmente I do not like the gradient in the cross-stitch, but worked as a thread on a string, the result is nice . As I mentioned
ricamino this is part of a joint project with my friend Sara. You know the drawer that the printers used to store the letters in the lead? Here, our intention is to fill a tray with some kind ricamini

Ricamerò with tonailtà of blue, and not only with embroidery remepirò magazines ..... but do not tell you everything at once, otherwise what good is?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Poptropica Virtual Game


was the first woman created by Hephaestus on the orders of the gods Zeus went to work and created the woman called Pandora Hermes, gave him a closed vessel. Pandora had been ordered to never open the jar but the curiosity to see what was inside was so great that she opened the jar out of all evil by doing so, Elpis only Hope remained inside because he managed to put Pandora back the lid on the pot.

Toy Story Invitation Word

night or NYX

Goddess of the natural phenomenon night. For Orphic was the primordial goddess
that fertilized by the wind, laid the silver egg from which Eros was born.

Unitas incestuous brother Erebus to genres:

ether, Thanatos, Sleep (Hypnos),
sarcasm (Momo),
the Fates,
and the Hesperides.

was also the mother of such personifications:
the Old
the disaster,
and Kere.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Toy Desert Eagle For Sale In The Uk


The fifty daughters of the god Nereus, the sea nymphs of the Mediterranean, separated from Naiad, who were the nymphs of fresh water, and Oceanine, Nymphs of the Ocean. The most famous of the Nereids was Thetis, mother of Achilles.

Here are their names: Cimotoe, Hope, Glauconome, Nausitoe, Alie, Erato, Sao, Amphitrite, Eunice, Teti, Eulimene, Agave, Eudore, Doto, Ferusa, Galatea, Actea, Pontomedusa, Ippotoe, Lisianassa, Cimo, Eione, Alimede, Plessaure, Eucrante, Proto, Calipso, Panope, Cranto, Neomeris, Ipponoe, Ianira, Polínome, Autonoe, Melite, Dione, Nesea, Dero, Evagore, Psamate, Eumolpe, Ione, Dinamene, Ceto e Limnoria.