Monday, February 28, 2011

Where Kim Kardashian Bedroom

Peek a Boo Pin Cushion! Spring Swap

Last night I felt very satisfied with the "production" of the weekend, despite two birthday parties, various committees and various homework ... I finished the embroidered pincushion and I had finished stitching and embroidery assemble another month I had a little left out ....
But having the pc in front of me at some point I get the email Carmen ... My company Sal ... in which he told me what had been laborious assembling of pincushion .. ASSEMBLY ... but I am a bit lost ... Oddi and finished the month we assemble ....
's accomplice then a movie I started to sew and stitch km when I stopped I realized that after 5 hours the alarm sounded .....

But I am too happy to have completed it all morning!

E 'own little .....

Some details .....

Good day and good week!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Unblock An Impacted Bowel


source: from the book: The Modern Witch's spells - of Osuna Mots

Every self-respecting witch has its charms and spells personal, creating, adapting some taken from the immense treasure of ancestral and modern magic, or creating new ones, through their own experiences, these are the words key to take the path of witchcraft staff

knowledge based on the study of astral powers of the elements and natural

experience you need to get yourself, trying to spell basic variants of the books ,
and combinations of rituals and talismans

Having these tools is important, but not enough, necesatio is also a positive attitude, which allows us to open our mind and imagination to exercise conscious in the creation of our incantations.

I say "conscious imagination," because it is not suddenly come up with any one thing, but to exercise our creativity a step at a time, keeping in mind the teachings of witchcraft and conditions of the moment.

As in all things, even in witchcraft should start from the most simple and safe, for example, performing a ritual or a spell in this book, add a candle in your favorite color, or according to what necesito you, or, instead of the candle, you can add an object that you consider very personal, and coffee or tea, then drink infused by divine or not.

To initiate you to your spells, I recommend starting with the rites of
body-mind, using the concentration, deep breathing, visualization, body posture, and gestures that seem most appropriate. You can turn each time, a white candle, which is always a big help. When you seem to have achieved good results, and to have developed a little creative magic, you can add and combine with each other, other, more complicated steps, incantations written or oral, drawings of esoteric symbols like circle, triangle, the Star of David, or the 5-pointed star. Even the cosmic energies have their own laws, magical elements and their specific properties, power and the effect of vibration, change coming into contact with the personal aura of each of us.

So it may happen that a spell made with red candles, which gives me excellent results for you is not as effective and / or satisfactory! Maybe you should change the color of the candles with one that is closest to your person, or the introduction of hand gestures, which help to better channel the energy and vibrations. Gradually, you'll find and check your special powers, and you'll see that they relate to the elemnti of modern magic, such as candles, colors, herbs, flowers, metals, incense, and so on.

Every witch develops a personal touch, a personal style that characterizes his spells, sometimes it is very simple actions, like passing a ring AUAN hand to hand before doing a spell, or to always include a few leaves of mint ..
As mentioned above, depends on the knowledge and experiences that will develop gradually, as regards the powers, and vibration of witchcraft, how about yourself or as a performer / sector of your spells! Things are esenziali:




confidence in yourself,

faith in the power energy of the universe ..

the essential materials of modern witch ...

buy them in a good waxworks, the most common measure is a foot tall and a couple of inches thick, made of wax candles in a glass jar or container with terracotta, are not recommended for spells where the color of the candles has a pivotal role! The white candles, we use a lot spells, so coem the red, yellow, orange, green and blue. Certain rites and spells moon
require silver candles, make sure to always have a wild good supply of candles in these colors, it is best every time, use new spark plugs.

stones and metals
get a series of stones most frequently used, such as quartz, the amtista, jade, stone simple, and so on .. Rguardo metals, you can make a supply of small pieces of each, or you can use everyday objects such as jewelry odd, broken, spoons, screws, wire, (for copper): The most commonly used metals are gold, the 'Silver the feror and copper, salt, is among the minerals used pù freuente!

( angy note: the broken jewelry or odd, do not go well either according to feng shui, because
attract discord and broken in the relationship!)

dried herbs
please to a number of dried herbs, use Nelg spells that do not require fresh herbs, and also to make teas or herbal teas. Laurel, olive, thyme, marjoram, eucalyptus, rosemary, and so on.

bastoncinim may be in powder or pieces, in addition to incense and true own, using very sandalwood, myrrh, to lavender, and other natural flavors!


- censer
a bowl or a small brazier in which incense burning, and anything that burns spells .. Some witches also have the censers, which are those incense burners from the church, with holes, spreading the smell better ...

- scissors and boxcutter
for spells where sid must cut lines, cut sheets of paper, and other manual operations of this kind (even if you want Bos play, and other creations esmepio!
(note angy.))

- matches or a lighter note
angy: is usually preferred as well, but since they contain sulfur, and thus for energy, or possibly, not to call .. SCOPE .. negative, and others disagree, take advantage of what you want ..!
I personally prefer the lighter! even if the matches are more .. "Witch once"

- colored card
also recycled paper!
symbols appropriate to draw the spell

markers and / or crayons to draw your symbols ..

- cloth bag and / or to preserve pellle
amulets and talismans, the best things you build,
but you can buy them already made .. (Note angy: I think it relates more to the bags, but also to the talismans sec me!)

needle and thread to construct the bags, before or during spells,
for other uses, you come to mind after ..

- cords and strands of wool
of various types, to track symbols, tie amulets, make wreaths, and so on,
also include a bit of wire, which peeled to obtain the copper wire inside!

glue to make amulets, or paste between them, the ritual materials


Each spell or spell, must have a temperature of dominant, or hot or cold! No more than 2 or 3 colors! The temperature of the dominant, must always be balanced CONUN touch of the opposite, or with a particular white. color combinations are used to enhance vibration related, or otherwise, to compensate for the force, in order to channel it better. For example: yellow and orange, you can reinforce with a touch of red, or you can balance with a wild white candle, or a purple color. Do not forget that green is the universal balance the color temperature of a spell. Keeping in mind these general rules, experience it yourself or what colors and combinations that sing more with your aura and the tone of your vibration.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Miosotis With Two Women

February 24, DAY OF REMEMBRANCE ..

here is my collage that I attended but did not win,
memory and always remember,
women burned in the Middle Ages and the pagan
a time ...

(some of the pictures in the collage,
also be found at the bottom of this blog!)

How Long Does Rembrandt White Strip Last

Spesso le grandi imprese Small opportunities .....

established the first nurse-table meeting

Wednesday, March 23, at home 14.00.ROMA
IPASVI Via Agostino Depretis 70.

Milena Velba Cesarean

Some time ago Tania invited me to participate in this exchange of spring .... It was necessary to prepare
portalavoro a bag, and a scissor fob citroulle a themed flowers .... I was matched
Anna a bit and when I trawled a blog, as I do not know when the right combination I have deduced that the roses were her favorite flower .....

Then I made a bag using a portalavoro some particular project Jad Sampler

scheme Danybrode

A little special ....

The bag .... Anna liked my job and am happy for this ... now wait for the my ....

I also tried to take pictures outside .... but urge a course of photography ....

nice day!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Average Size Japanese Women


I know I know I still have my end .... but these stoffine batik made me a wink too long ....
and then Bargello ...
Stage ... create the shades ....

Second step: cut and create the movement ......

Now we have to sew ....

I love it!
nice day!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Compere Schoolfunction

Sal Primitive

I am a little vacation days post traumatic and even though I finished the stage before leaving, only now I have a moment to show you the finished embroidery ... The sal

with primitive Enza turns to the stage assembly ..

as I like these colors ... I think I will use the stoffina brown striped background ...

nice day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leciał Wróbelek

evvvaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the IPASVI there '... March 23 in Rome there will be 'the Nurse-table:)) and now spread the word please! :)

Rome, February 22, 2011
Prot P-956/III.01
In reply to your note confirms the availability of the room at Federation for this date Wednesday, March 23
It further states that in the event that, objective for urgent institutional needs, become necessary by the Federation to take advantage of that room thus preventing your meeting, you will be alerted immediately.
The hall has a capacity of 30/35 people and the meeting must be held within self-managed by you of the service or from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 13.30 to 18.00.
For any other request please contact Dr. Stefania Gastaldi Director of the Federation.
We look forward to confirmation of the date indicating the start time and end of the meeting, my best regards.

The President Annalisa Silvestro

______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

brief summary:

The table we requested .... Those that vogliuono Union IN .. fermieristca
arises this goal: to begin to create the "nursing culture" through dialogue and discussion.
A table so that, with the support of the Federation, throw those basic unit for professional growth, recognition and appreciation of social, education and training and contractual claims and laws, shall be able to compare on an equal footing with all the European colleagues or not.
Invitations for this table have been sent to:
"ACOS President - Mario Morello"
"President AEIOT - AIIOT - Giuseppe Epifani"
"AIAO President - Miriam Magri"
"President AICO - Giuseppe Mancini
" President AIISG - Adriano Passetti "
" President AILF - Eugene Courtier "
" AILPI President - Joanne Bertoglio "
" NSAI President - Roger Rizzini "
" President Aiola - Franco Raineri "
" President AIOS - Maria Beatrice Benedetti Michelangeli "
" President Aiossa - Gabriele Rastelli "
" President AISAC - Luciano Clarizia "
" AISLeC President - Angela Peghetti "
" Aiur President - Cynthia Sanseverino "
" President Aniarti - Elio Drigo "
" President Animo - Annunziata Zuccone "
" President Anina - Milena Macherozzi "
" President Anip - Lorena Martini
"CNAI President - Angela Lolli"
"President GITIC - Milena Mauri
" President Nursing Up - Antonio De Palma "
" President SISIP - Philip Festini "
" Head of FSI-CNI - Michele Schinco "
" Secretary COIN - Vincent Schiavoni
"Secretary FIALS - Giuseppe Carbone
" NurSind Secretary - Andrea Bottega "
E 'was ruled out since headed directly to the Federation, the President of CIVES, which, however, this invitation is extended.
the date today's gave their willingness to participate:
- NSAI - onlus
and the rest of you?? Join? '

Monday, February 21, 2011

Multi Region For Sony Dvp-sr200p

Peek a Boo Pincushion 2 ...

The holiday was so relaxing that I have not thought of bringing them things, they are much less I dreamed of the spreaders ....
So yesterday between a washing machine and one I made up some back issues ... that's why my leg is not complete ... Fortuna
that Carmen if it is comfortable grip ....

This point is very nice .. shame that this country on the white mocha is giving me trouble right .. maybe just because it was one o'clock at night ... Let

extraction of Love Candy!

Thanks to all for participating! You are always very nice! Random

decided that luck is TINA !!!!!

Good day and good week!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Buy Belt Like Juelz Santana

My week ...

Dobbiaco was great!
good company, beautiful days, beautiful snow and lots of fun ...

Beginners busy ....

But the journey was very long, especially the return ... and the other between a chat and a bit of sewing exercises ...

Good Sunday!
I return to my washing machines ....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Mush Money Have I Got On My Dongle


I can not believe it! I found them .... click HERE '
me happy !!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ati 9000m Win7 Driver


seems to me impossible that everything in the universe known only Anita America sells these wonderful scissors:

and I, Saving Silverman collector of embroidery scissors, I had even bought! She, very kind, I had warned of the possibility that never arrive and I had also been in contact with some of his Italian clients to make sure I had well clear what could suffer. But ...... I risked and lost! Shipped from the U.S. on November 23 if it has not to date news. It seems that the sorting of mail in Milan there is a one of us, crocettina in the DNA that recognizes when the envelope, take a look inside and if what we find in the likes if he keeps it!

At this point I ask for your help any of you know where you can buy these wonders in Europe? Look confident!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Olimelt Tablet Effects

Love Candy ...

yesterday between a preparation and the other for starting the sewing I Love this Pillow;)
or the pillow lovers!

a comment to this post and if you do not become a "Follower"
You can comment until Sunday, February 20 ....
Monday, February 21 with the system to extract the random winner!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Congratulate Someone Who's Had A Baby


I was a bit stoffine accumulated over time that I did not know a destination and give the opportunity and arrived ...

On Blog Natalia started a Qal - quilt to long .... is the first time I participate in an initiative like this .. Natalia each month will discuss a block that each of us will ... Qal at the end of this we will have a quilt of stars;)))

pnq square "

The first block is the Star of friendship - Friendship Star

And now back to the spreaders ....

Good evening!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Is Cythereas Name

Sal Blue Tulip Quilt

between a chat and the other with Enza we decided to do this sewing roll Primitive Bettys ...
very primitive yet elegant with these warm colors ....

zwiegart Canvas 32 ct Country Mocha and wires dmc
First stage completed ....
nice day!