Monday, February 7, 2011

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write fight anxiety and depression ...

Pen , and the dear diary
to combat anxiety and improve performance

Cards goodbye to anxiety. Write on paper what we care about helps to reduce the impact of anxiety in everyday life. A University of Chicago say a study that confirmed what graphomania around the world to some extent already experiencing. If stress and fears crowd the mind, a trick to keep them at bay is to put pen to paper. American psychologists, led by Sian Beilock , have conducted an experiment with 20 students invited to write for 10 minutes at that time what them worry more. The results, published in Science , it is clear that writing as a "safety valve anxiety work, thus increasing the efficiency of the brain. Indeed, recall Beilock and colleagues, circumstances of psychological pressure can deplete some of the energy of the brain useful in working memory that guides the execution of daily tasks.
Working memory is controlled by the prefrontal cortex, a sort of board on which are stored mental mental notes that allow people to work and disentangle relevant information.
The exercise of writing called "Writing expression ", has allowed you to download the tensions of the students before the examination. A better method, ensure the researchers to unlock them in terms of their degree course. But there's more. The research method ensures that the diary could help not only to overcome the obstacles of every day, but it could be a useful tool, complementary to other media, for those suffering from depression.


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