promoted by infermierINcazzati
The unions have called for unhealthy work also fall between those of nurses who make the nights even if night shifts are lower than the requirements set out in the decision also sends you an 'email Sacconi for the minister to approve the list of strenuous work well within the nursing profession on 24/2/2011 .
In this week will land 'before the Council of Ministers on the implementation decree strenuous work.
although it remains to define a set of technical details that could make the move to Palazzo Chigi in a first round of the table. It is likely, therefore, that the approval slip to the next meeting time for the exercise of the delegation shall expire on February 24, Linked work as required.
The implementing decree which identifies cases in which workers who perform strenuous activities will be entitled to pension benefits. Defined by the night work is entitled to an advance of up to three years of age to go to sleep as if arduous night work provided for at least six hours, including the arc of time between midnight and five in the morning, for at least 78 nights per year. Also use for at least three hours between midnight and five am atività fall within the "hard work" if paid every night.
The draft order developed by the Ministry of Labour would link bonuses for full age requirements and contributions to the share of 78 nights, but for those who are mature conditions "discounted" from 1 July 2009 are expected benefits (even for those works "only" 64 nights per year). Those who perform arduous work recognized - once final approval the implementing laws - will have to retire, a rebate of up to three anni per quanto riguarda il requisito
anagrafìco per la pensione; il minimo dei contributi, in generale,sarebbe fissato in almeno 35 anni.
La platea dei potenziali beneficiari, almeno secondo i dati elaborati dalla Cisl, arriva a circa 900mila persone nel complesso, con circa 15mila richieste di anticipo della pensione previste per ogni anno. I lavoratori
interessati, spiegano i sindacati, sono quelli del decreto Salvi del 1999 (che aveva definito alcune attività usuranti come quelle nella lavorazione degli elettrodomestici, nei prodotti dolciari, nelle calzature e nelle resine sintetiche), coloro che fanno abitualmente lavoro notturno (almeno 64 notti l'anno), gli operai impegnati su catena di montaggio e i conducenti purchase of vehicles for public transport at least 9 seats (so the bus drivers and subway, but also those engaged in school buses, tour buses, etc.).
notional contribution). The decree
once fired from Palazzo Chigi will be sent to both Houses to the opinion of the relevant committees.

In this week will land 'before the Council of Ministers on the implementation decree strenuous work.
although it remains to define a set of technical details that could make the move to Palazzo Chigi in a first round of the table. It is likely, therefore, that the approval slip to the next meeting time for the exercise of the delegation shall expire on February 24, Linked work as required.
The implementing decree which identifies cases in which workers who perform strenuous activities will be entitled to pension benefits. Defined by the night work is entitled to an advance of up to three years of age to go to sleep as if arduous night work provided for at least six hours, including the arc of time between midnight and five in the morning, for at least 78 nights per year. Also use for at least three hours between midnight and five am atività fall within the "hard work" if paid every night.
The draft order developed by the Ministry of Labour would link bonuses for full age requirements and contributions to the share of 78 nights, but for those who are mature conditions "discounted" from 1 July 2009 are expected benefits (even for those works "only" 64 nights per year). Those who perform arduous work recognized - once final approval the implementing laws - will have to retire, a rebate of up to three anni per quanto riguarda il requisito
anagrafìco per la pensione; il minimo dei contributi, in generale,sarebbe fissato in almeno 35 anni.
La platea dei potenziali beneficiari, almeno secondo i dati elaborati dalla Cisl, arriva a circa 900mila persone nel complesso, con circa 15mila richieste di anticipo della pensione previste per ogni anno. I lavoratori
interessati, spiegano i sindacati, sono quelli del decreto Salvi del 1999 (che aveva definito alcune attività usuranti come quelle nella lavorazione degli elettrodomestici, nei prodotti dolciari, nelle calzature e nelle resine sintetiche), coloro che fanno abitualmente lavoro notturno (almeno 64 notti l'anno), gli operai impegnati su catena di montaggio e i conducenti purchase of vehicles for public transport at least 9 seats (so the bus drivers and subway, but also those engaged in school buses, tour buses, etc.).
The unions have also called for strenuous activities fall between also that of nurses who made the nights even if night shifts are lower than the requirements laid down in the order .
Why is not however the only type of work to determine the wear of the employee or the employee. To weigh and also the duration. For pensions that will be effective until 2017 must, in fact, having completed a strenuous activity for at least seven years working in the last ten; efforts should be documented from 2018 to at least half of their working lives (no account is taken of the periods covered by notional contribution). The decree
once fired from Palazzo Chigi will be sent to both Houses to the opinion of the relevant committees.
Sacconi send email to the Minister to approve the list of strenuous work well within the nursing profession 24.02.2011 .
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